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Physiotherapy Care - Part 1: Our Pain and Dysfunction Practitioners

Effortless Superhuman Physiotherapy Care

Welcome to our 4-part blog series on ‘Holistic’ Physiotherapy at Effortless Superhuman. In this series you will learn: Part 1 – A new health care model (holistic healing) Part 2 – What sets our practitioners apart Part 3 – Key concepts our practitioners follow and the history of physiotherapy Part 4 – Frequently asked questions.

Part 1: Our Pain and Dysfunction Practitioners

Is back pain stopping you from having fun in life? Is that nagging shoulder pain stopping you from going to the gym? Are chronic headaches affecting your happiness? Do you feel you’re too old to get back into shape and begin playing sports again? Are you recovering after surgery and looking for advice?

physiotherapy careWe are setting new standards at Effortless Superhuman! The practitioners and team members at (ES) see themselves as passionate leaders, educators and mentors for all of our clients and for those who chose to follow us online. We want to inspire individuals to do the things that inspire them! For some this involves overcoming pain and dysfunction and returning to the activities they enjoy.

A New Health Care Model (Holistic Healing)

To overcome the current healthcare crisis that plagues the majority of first world countries, there is a need for a new health care model that is client focused and holistic in nature. First and foremost, each individual needs to take responsibility for their own health and wellness and make decisions that reflect their desire to be healthy and happy.

Foundation Principles of Health

Holistic Healing for People on the move

Holistic Healing for People on the move

  • Organic Food
  • Filtered water
  • Quality sleep patterns
  • Active Lifestyle
  • Mental Health
  • Spiritual Health
  • Emotional Health
  • Optimal Breathing Patterns

This new Holistic model of health care will allow clients to surround themselves with a team of health professionals that is most suited to their needs. (Chiropractor, medical doctor, physiotherapist, traditional Chinese medicine, osteopath, integrative health practitioner) These concepts become especially powerful when put into context in relation to human performance. A client’s mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health must make up the foundation for any performance model.

Every client should be evaluated from a health perspective and mentored and empowered to successfully fulfill the requirements of the foundation principles of health. Click here to continue on to Part 2 in the series where we’ll look deeper into what sets our practitioners apart before detailing more about physiotherapy, holistic healing, pain and dysfunction and more!

To book an appointment with an ES practitioner please call (08) 9388 2768.

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